

In 1926 Conference, Lord Balfour, in his famous declaration defined and introduced the name “Commonwealth”. In 1931, Britain and those self governing colonies free states agreed to form the “British Commonwealth of Nations”.
Just after the war, as Britain was slow in respecting her decision, once many more riots compelled Britain to grant independence to its colonies. From now on the integration of former colonies in the British Commonwealth of Nations led to the Modern Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth of Nations has numerous organizations among which we have the organizations in charge of youth.

                            I. Definition of Commonwealth:
The Commonwealth of Nations normally referred to as the Commonwealth and formerly known as the British Commonwealth is an intergovernmental organization of 54 independent member states. All members except Mozambique and Rwanda were part of the British Empire, out of which the Commonwealth developed. The Commonwealth is also a voluntary association of independent sovereign states, each responsible for its own policies, consulting and cooperation in the common interests of their people and in the promotion of international understanding and world peace. It consists of 54 member nations, all of whom are connected by the fact that they have all, at sometime come under some direct or indirect form of British rule.
                        II. Organisations dealing with youth programme:
The Commonwealth of Nations is in charge of many institutions. But as far as the youth programme is concerned, we will develop five: Commonwealth youth programme, Commonwealth Business Council and Commonwealth games.
1-    Commonwealth Youth programme:
The Commonwealth youth programme was founded in 1973. It strives for a world where young women and men (15-29 years) can fulfill their potential and use their creativity and skills and productive members of the global society. The guiding principle of CYP is that young people process the drive, ability, and potential to help both themselves and their communities.

2-    The Commonwealth foundation:
Is an intergovernmental organization resourced by and reporting to Commonwealth governments, and guided by Commonwealth values and priorities. Its mandate is to strengthen civil society in the achievement of Commonwealth priorities: democracy and good governance, respect for human right and gender, poverty eradication and sustainable people centered and sustainable development, and to promote arts and culture.
The Commonwealth foundation organizes the Commonwealth People’s Forum in collaboration with the host government and civil society organizations. This forum takes place every two years immediately preceding the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. It gives civil society organizations a chance to network and dialogue with governments since the first in 1997, the event has increased in size and the range of activities 1997.

3-    Commonwealth of Learning (COL):
The Commonwealth of learning (COL) is an intergovernmental organization created by the heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/ distance education, knowledge, resources and technologies. COL is helping developing nation improve access to quality education and training. COL’s core budget comes from voluntary contribution from member states. The six largest donors have automatic seats on the board. The aim is to have all countries contribute something out of the conviction that COL gives them good value.
Extra budgetary funds are raised in support of program in the only exception to principle that COL is not a teaching institution, by helping international organization with their staff development. This has been being done for some time with the world health organization (WHO), united nation commission for refugees (UNHCR), the international labour organization (ILO), and the Red Cross and COL are just starting to do it with the World Band. The focus is on report writing and communication. With each organization COL works hard to ensure that the course addresses directly the report writing style and culture of that organization.

4-    Commonwealth Business Council:
The Commonwealth Business council (CBC) was formed at 1997 CHOGM. The aim was to utilize the global network of the Commonwealth more effectively for the promotion of global trade and investment for shared prosperity.
The CBC acts as a bridge for co-operation between business and government, concentrating effort on these specific areas enhancing trade, facilitation ICT for development, mobilizing investment promoting corporate citizenship, and public private partnerships. The CBC has a dedicated team, CBC technologies, based in London and is focused on the international technology and global services industry throughout the Commonwealth. The CBC objectives are:
ü Examine how support from highly experienced individuals can assist through the creation of an infrastructure technical advisory unit.
ü Provide senior-level government support to provide focused advice.
ü Provide mechanisms that will help government beverage the huge capacity of the private sector to address the demand for better infrastructure.

5-    Commonwealth Games:
The Commonwealth games are the third-largest multi sport event in the world, bringing together globally popular sports and peculiarly “Commonwealth” sports, such as rugby sevens, shown here at the 2006 Games.
The Commonwealth Games, a multi-sport event is held every four years; the 2010 Commonwealth Games were held in New Delhi, India and the next in Glasgow Scotland in 2014. As well as the usual athletic disciplines, as at the summer Olympic Games, the game includes sport particularly popular in the Commonwealth such as bowls. Netball and rugby sevens started in 1930 as the Empire games, the games were founded on the Olympic model of amateurism, but were deliberately designed to be, as they are still renowned for being ‘’the friendly games’’ with the goal of promotion relation between Commonwealth countries and celebrating their shared sporting and cultural heritage.
The games are the Commonwealth most visible activity and interest in the operation of Commonwealth increases greatly when the games are held. There is controversy over whether the games and sport generally should be involved in the Commonwealth’s wider political concerns. The 1977 Gleneagles agreement was signed to commit Commonwealth countries to combat apartheid through discouraging sporting contact with South Africa, Asian and Caribbean countries for the failure of other countries to enforce the Gleneagles Agreement.
The Commonwealth Youth Program is a branch of Commonwealth of Nations which is concerned about in young people in order to empower them to develop their potential, creativity and skills as protective and dynamic members of their societies and participate fully at every level of decision making and development both individually and collectively, promoting Commonwealth values of international co-operation. CYP advocates the effective participation of young men and women in the development process and for social transformation at all level of decision-making. The program is financed by a special fund consisting of voluntary by contribution from member government. We add to these funds by developing projects and partnership with other organization and throughout networks. This also helps us reach more people and make more people aware of our field (youth development) and it means.

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