
Promotion of education in the municipality of Adjarra : ASPED offers school kits for children of poor parents

Family picture at the end of the activity
No more obstacles for the children of parents in difficult situation of the municipality of Adjarra to start the school year 2019-2020. The Association for the Safeguarding and Promotion of Education for Development in short ASPED lifted this obstacle on Saturday, September 7, 2019 at the Wadon Public Primary School. Indeed, thanks to the support of a donor, ASPED has distributed 22 school kits to children of poor parents selected in different public primary schools in the municipality of Adjarra. A salutary action that will allow these children from poor parents to start the new school year 2019-2020 as well as the children of wealthy parents. 

Fabrice METONWAHO, donor's representative
Asked about the origin of the idea, Fabrice METONWAHO, the donor's representative, testifies : "The idea came from the chance I had to study in Sweden with an Indian classmate. He showed me the importance of education in his country through a documentary that we watched together. This documentary allowed me to understand that India started from nothing to become a big country today. And it is education that is at the base. What did India do ? Successive rulers have focused on education from the base to the top. They have invested enough in the school supplies of the children of poor parents, and in their restorations through school canteens. They have developed it so much that India can count itself today among the great nations.’’ He goes on to say, "This is where my friend told me that he also wants to help my country reach this level in education.’’ To the beneficiaries, he advised to work hard during the school year that starts, to continue to benefit from this school support. According to Fabrice METONWAHO, the donor intends to enter in partnership with other donors next year to impact more children in need with these school kits.

Gratitude words of the beneficiaries

School kits
Very affected by the act of generosity, Pauline AÏVO spokeswoman of the parents of the children greeted and thanked the representative of the donor by whom the school kits arrived. She did not fail to thank and bless the donor and the NGO ASPED. For Alice Gnacadja, beneficiary spokesperson, children of poor parents they are could not start this school year without these donations of school kits. That's why she thanked the donor, his representative and the NGO ASPED while promising better results at the end of the school year.
It should be noted that Ngos Rescue People Benin and Exclusive Development intervaining in the same field as ASPED were present at this ceremony. They took the opportunity to provide wise advice to beneficiaries.
Alphonse Houndjènoukon, ASPED Executive Director delivering his speech
Created in 1997 in the municipality of Avrankou, ASPED totalised already twenty two years of existence. According to the explanations of the Executive Director, Alphonse Houndjènoukon, the activities of ASPED are essentially based on : initiation to manual work and small jobs ; environmental education; education on democracy and good governance; human rights and people's education; support for girls' schooling; and financial and technical assistance for parents activities’.

Faithful KENOU

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